Monday, December 29, 2008

Yet another... craft of the day

Here is yet another - craft of the day. Slipcovered rocking chair and co-ordinating kidney shaped pillow.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Another Craft of the Day

Here is the latest update. A charging station for all my small electronic devices. It houses a power bar and keeps all my various chargers and cables organized and stored, with only the charging outlet poking out. I can't take any credit for the idea, just the design variation. In other exciting news.. perhaps you noticed that this particular picture is a little crisper and more professional than the rest. Well, that is because it was taken with my NEW camera - a Nikon D40. Lots of exciting news....

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Craft of the Day

Day two of maternity leave. Rafa is already making bets on how long I will "last" in the house. He is worried that my projects will run out and I will get "squirlly". I keep assuring him that my projects will NEVER run out and as there is one very big, time consuming 'project' on the way shortly it is even less of a danger. As promised - here is the Craft of the Day: some designer Christmas stockings.

Sunday, December 21, 2008


It's official - I'm nesting. I'm trying to keep the projects small and reasonable. There is a part of me that really wants to re-paint the bathroom and all the kitchen cabinets - something I realize wouldn't be wise at this point - so I am actively distracting myself with smaller more reasonable projects. Here are the results of the last two days: Chair cushions for the kitchen and a thick scarf of leftover yarn. On the list: a docking stations for all our rechargables, covering the bolster in the living room, the cushions of the rocking chair and a curtain for the guest bedroom. Any other suggestions of "Really Useful Things I Wish I had finished Before the Baby Was Born" are appreciated. But... lets all try and leave painting the bathroom and kitchen cabinets off the list.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

One of the funnest things about getting ready a baby is getting presents. We've received some wonderful presents, regifted, rearranged, new and returned. Today I received our first mystery present. So - a big, wonderful thank you to everyone who sent/gave us things over the last 3 months. And a special thank you to whoever send Junior these wonderful slippers - please identify yourself so that we can send you a proper card.

Monday, December 15, 2008

The first of a New Life

Under the strict direction of Kendra - my life as a blogger continues. Besides, I've been told it is good therapy when locked in the house with small child. ... as I am currently locked in the school, having lost my keys for the second time in two weeks, it seems an appropriate beginning. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, 'mommy brain' really does exist. Luckily, Rafa still has one set that can be copied and he isn't out of town or anything.
We are now 36 weeks, term, and getting kicked fairly regularly. Baby has picked a favorite side, which is good. I'm getting kicked in the same spot all the time, which is bad.
This weeks goals: finish school, copy a new set of keys, don't loose those keys, find my special Peruvian hat (and my keys), work out, sleep. I'll let you know how it goes.