Friday, September 23, 2011

Followup to the Fair

He's famous....

Look Alikes

A strong wind came through the house and messed up our pictures... can you tell them apart?
(Both passport pictures - both taken at 4 months)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Lucia - Four Months

Dear Lucia;

You are four months old today. I almost missed it, but here I am cruising the internet when I look at the date and realize I have something much more important to do... wish you a happy birth-month.

This week you achieved one of your first big milestones and rolled over from your back to front. You did it twice on Wednesday and haven't done it since, once mastered a skill move on? You are working on sitting up now and can sit pretty well, holding on to someones hands for support. It won't be long till you'll be sitting independently. This week you had what we thought was a little cold but I now think that maybe it's your teeth coming through - there are some suspicious little white spots on your bottom gums.. time will tell. You are smiling and laughing and being very patient with us as we get back into the swing of our lives - with two. We have also gotten out the jolly jumper which you are learning how to work - I think you're going to like it more than your brother.

Today we went to the fall fair with Grandma, a great way to celebrate your birth-month day - although I don't know that you enjoyed it very much. Your brother did! So far you are very patient with him as he jumps around (and sometimes on) you, screams in your face, touches your head and is generally a nuisance. He loves you so much and I think you know it - that's why you put up with his silliness. I believe you are going to be fast friends, despite being such different little people.

We booked a Christmas vacation this weekend and by the time we go you will be sitting up and eating real food. You are going to be a good eater, like your brother, I think. When we are eating you have started leaning in and reaching for food, you make the most wonderful little "hmmmmm" - which could only be - "let me try, come on, give it!"

Happy four months little lady - you are already showing up beautiful and strong - and there I hear you waking up so I'm off....

Love Mama.

Fall Fair

We went, we saw, we spent money. Everyone is a little nauseated and over tired but we did have fun!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Just hanging around


Diego's first day of preschool came and went. He's in the same building, with the same kids as before, but now in the pre-school room. And not taking diapers! I dropped him off, hung out for a while, explained that I was leaving, waited for him to get upset (which didn't happen), had to ask for a kiss which he gave with.. was that a little roll of the eyes already.. and then he was off playing. I have to admit to being a little bit sad. This is what Diego wanted to wear to preschool.
This is how looked by the time we left for his first day.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Big kids

Big day here tomorrow - it's Diego's first day as a preschooler. He's going back to daycare two days a week. While it's been a great summer and easier with two than I had feared, I am looking forward to having my Mondays and Wednesdays to do some mama and Lucia time. He's also on day 6 of no 'accidents'. He's a big boy!
So she doesn't feel left out - Lucia is also getting bigger. Here is a little talk she had with her Papa at our recent family reunion.

Friday, September 02, 2011

Morning Naps and Monsters

So what is going on around here? Morning naps - drifting off to sleep more or less on her own. Lucia is getting pretty good at this going to sleep thing - or we are getting better at helping her. I did a week of pick up/put down and now it is usually just a put down. And while we have gotten better at helping her sleep she is also getting better at soothing herself down. Here she is in the living room, I put her on her stomach, the thumb went in the mouth and 10 minutes later she was asleep.
And along with a sleeping beauty you must also have a monster.. doesn't it always work like that? I went to Old Navy yesterday to return some baby clothes that didn't make it to our house till they were already too small. With the store credit and only 8 dollars more we found this wonderfulness.

 Here we are on our deck, enjoying the cool fall weather, Diego in the sandbox and Lucia sleeping peacefully in a safe crib while I can monitor her on my baby monitor and the dishwasher does my kitchen chores. Today I feel very blessed.