Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Vacation Quotes

Getting of the plane: "Papa, aqui no hace frio!" (It's not cold here.)
Asking for the evening Novenas..each evening the nine days before Christmas, a short service and singing in front of the nativity scene. "We have to cantar a (sing to) baby Jesus."

Conversation with one of the staff at the hotel:
D: "Yo soy de Cartegena" (I'm from Cartegena)
S: "Tu no eres de Cartegena"
D: "Yo soy de Cartegena"
S: "Tu no eres de Cartegena"
D: .. pregnant pause... "Yo soy de Canada. Alla hace mucho mucho frio" (It's cold there.)

Just before nap: "Juan David can have Oso y Mari can have Nana" (sharing comfort items spells total cousin love)

In A&W - after having tried to race into the parking garage after me, being held back by grandma, crying for Papa, hungry, in the bathroom, congratulated for NOT peeing in his pull-up despite 4 clogged bathrooms in the airplane and no bathroom in site in the baggage pick-up.... "I was sad with Grandma but now I am happy with chi-chi!"

He's a champion traveler.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas all - we're off to the tropics. Not to rub it in....

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A conversation with Diego

This one is really only funny in Spanish - but if you've got some time it's worth running through babblefish.

....while taking out the Nativity scene....

Mama: Diego, estos son los reyes magos.

Diego: Malos mama?

Mama: No Diego - magos.

Diego: Porque son malos mama?

Mama: Diego, no malos, son reyes magos.

Diego: Mangos?

Mama: Magos, Diego, magos.

Diego: Oh....

I think the details and ttheology was mostly lost on him... it's a process.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Breakfast Television

Dear Lucia - Six Months

Dear Lucia;

You are six months old now. Today we went to the doctors to get your shots and you were such a trooper. You smiled and co-operated with everyone and when it was time to stick you with the immunizations you whimpered a little - then looked in the mirror and got happily distracted. Keep being that strong, it will serve you well in the future. Speaking of strong, you have the most intense stare now with new people. It's a little intimidating actually. You reserve judgement (I like that too) but when you have decided to like someone you have the most wonderful smile.

Your father can always get you to giggle and you have begun noticing your brother Diego as well. He loves you a lot little one! I hope you will be very good friends.

In physical milestones - you are sitting up pretty well. We sit near you in case you topple over but you are balancing for longer and longer chunks every day. You have also started eating solid foods. Your favorite so far has been pureed carrot but you are also chowing down on the banana, mixed veggies and even a bit of beef.

Yesterday afternoon you were fussy and so was your brother so we cuddled up on the couch and watched a movie. You slept in my arms for an hour and a half. You have been so independent (by nature and necessity)  we don't get the chance to do that very often. It occurred to me that you won't be a baby for very much longer. Pretty soon this house is going to be rocking out to the sounds of two little kids. I am so looking forward to finding out who you are and sharing the rest of you life. Thanks again Lucia - I'm glad you picked us.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

More quotes

Diego: "Mama, what you talking?" (always when we are talking about something you shouldn't be listening to)

at 7:08 in the morning, screamed from your room: "I want to go downstairs and play with superheros!" Good morning Diego

Monday, October 31, 2011


Happy Halloween - thanks to some returns I had to do at Old Navy and a real lucky find at the Salvation Army we had a really easy costume prep - and the price was right as well. I present to you - my two little monsters...

We had a successful trick or treat and then headed back to the house to pass out candy (Diego: Ya mama! Sharing! For sure!)

We also sorted our candy (can eat and definitely not for little kids). Lucia was very interested in the 'not for little kids' bag.

Diego is now upstairs, trying to go to sleep. Despite the fact that we cut him off after trying only a few magical treats (he took this surprisingly well) After every stop he would ask
"Otra casa Mama?"
"Si Diego, otra casa" (Yes, another house)

Why indeed a strange tradition perhaps. But there you go... you can't not participate - not when I think back and remember what it was to participate - go from house to house and see you bag fill higher and higher to the brim with sugary goodness. Here's to marketing!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Favorite Quotes

In response to the question: Where is your Papa?  "In the big boy classroom."
After an accident in the journey of potty training... "I can't dance, I have poo-poo."

General favorites:
"That could be fun!"
"Can I help with you."
"Pechiche papa!"
"Tengo, como, hambre"

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Good weather

Here are some pictures of us enjoying, what could be, the last really good day of the year. Not to be missed!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Followup to the Fair

He's famous....

Look Alikes

A strong wind came through the house and messed up our pictures... can you tell them apart?
(Both passport pictures - both taken at 4 months)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Lucia - Four Months

Dear Lucia;

You are four months old today. I almost missed it, but here I am cruising the internet when I look at the date and realize I have something much more important to do... wish you a happy birth-month.

This week you achieved one of your first big milestones and rolled over from your back to front. You did it twice on Wednesday and haven't done it since, once mastered a skill move on? You are working on sitting up now and can sit pretty well, holding on to someones hands for support. It won't be long till you'll be sitting independently. This week you had what we thought was a little cold but I now think that maybe it's your teeth coming through - there are some suspicious little white spots on your bottom gums.. time will tell. You are smiling and laughing and being very patient with us as we get back into the swing of our lives - with two. We have also gotten out the jolly jumper which you are learning how to work - I think you're going to like it more than your brother.

Today we went to the fall fair with Grandma, a great way to celebrate your birth-month day - although I don't know that you enjoyed it very much. Your brother did! So far you are very patient with him as he jumps around (and sometimes on) you, screams in your face, touches your head and is generally a nuisance. He loves you so much and I think you know it - that's why you put up with his silliness. I believe you are going to be fast friends, despite being such different little people.

We booked a Christmas vacation this weekend and by the time we go you will be sitting up and eating real food. You are going to be a good eater, like your brother, I think. When we are eating you have started leaning in and reaching for food, you make the most wonderful little "hmmmmm" - which could only be - "let me try, come on, give it!"

Happy four months little lady - you are already showing up beautiful and strong - and there I hear you waking up so I'm off....

Love Mama.

Fall Fair

We went, we saw, we spent money. Everyone is a little nauseated and over tired but we did have fun!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Just hanging around


Diego's first day of preschool came and went. He's in the same building, with the same kids as before, but now in the pre-school room. And not taking diapers! I dropped him off, hung out for a while, explained that I was leaving, waited for him to get upset (which didn't happen), had to ask for a kiss which he gave with.. was that a little roll of the eyes already.. and then he was off playing. I have to admit to being a little bit sad. This is what Diego wanted to wear to preschool.
This is how looked by the time we left for his first day.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Big kids

Big day here tomorrow - it's Diego's first day as a preschooler. He's going back to daycare two days a week. While it's been a great summer and easier with two than I had feared, I am looking forward to having my Mondays and Wednesdays to do some mama and Lucia time. He's also on day 6 of no 'accidents'. He's a big boy!
So she doesn't feel left out - Lucia is also getting bigger. Here is a little talk she had with her Papa at our recent family reunion.

Friday, September 02, 2011

Morning Naps and Monsters

So what is going on around here? Morning naps - drifting off to sleep more or less on her own. Lucia is getting pretty good at this going to sleep thing - or we are getting better at helping her. I did a week of pick up/put down and now it is usually just a put down. And while we have gotten better at helping her sleep she is also getting better at soothing herself down. Here she is in the living room, I put her on her stomach, the thumb went in the mouth and 10 minutes later she was asleep.
And along with a sleeping beauty you must also have a monster.. doesn't it always work like that? I went to Old Navy yesterday to return some baby clothes that didn't make it to our house till they were already too small. With the store credit and only 8 dollars more we found this wonderfulness.

 Here we are on our deck, enjoying the cool fall weather, Diego in the sandbox and Lucia sleeping peacefully in a safe crib while I can monitor her on my baby monitor and the dishwasher does my kitchen chores. Today I feel very blessed.

Friday, August 12, 2011

The not so terrible twos...

Dear Lucia;

You are two months old now... almost three but who's counting. You continue to be a very content little person. You have the most wonderful open mouthed smiles and are starting to share a fantastic little screech of excitement, particularly with your papa. You are desperate to be sitting up and moving around and are often found in your bouncy chair trying to sit up, quietly grunting and tilting your head. Take your time little girl, it will come. 

You sleep in the afternoon which is a wonderful gift to me. You are growing at an amazing rate - having almost doubled your original birth weight. I think this is pretty normal but I still think it is amazing.

Your brother Diego loves to watch you play and smile. When you wake up from your nap he goes running up the stairs "Lucia, ya voy! Lucia, no llores!". When I suggest that we wake you up for dinner he is the first up the stairs. I have loved this 'little two' of yours, we have had such a good summer hanging out together.

Dear Diego;

You are now two and a half and the 'terrible twos' have not been so terrible at all. You went through a two week faze but you learned fast that the tantrums were a waste of time and since then we have barely seen the monster Diego. Keep up that learning curve little man, it will save you a lot of time and wasted energy in your life.

At two and a half you are talking up a storm. You have been speaking a lot of English "Come downstairs mom and eat your lunch." We have been encouraging you to speak in Spanish and often when I ask you to repeat something you will remind me that "Diego habla espanole y ingles, los dos." It is so much fun to watch you settle into bilingualism and your papa noticed the other day that your pronunciation in English is already better than his. Once day your Spanish will be better than mine. Will you learn more languages?

Along with your new words you have a great new understanding and awareness of the world around you. We have to be really careful what we talk about now in front of you because nothing escapes! We have been hanging out together all summer, with the daycare closed, and have been spending a lot of time in parks in the mornings. It is great watching you with other kids. You're fast little man! I've seen you keep up with the five and six year olds. You are almost more coordinated than your mama already. Papa says it is a good thing he had his knees operated or he wouldn't be able to keep up with your either. You are climbing like a monkey, Uncle Isaac is really excited about taking you climbing. Don't let him throw you over any cliffs till you're ready.

You are great at making friends. You use your sand shovels and bribes, running across playgrounds to hand them to other children with a "come on, dig, shovel, dig here" your lure them into your circle. 

In just three weeks you will be going into the pre-school room at the daycare two days a week. This summer we have really seen you become a 'pre-schooler' - you are 'reading' books, drawing happy faces, coloring in the lines, playing make believe with other kids and, most exciting of all, this week you have even started sitting on the potty!

To both of you - thanks - it has been so much fun sharing the not so terrible twos.

(Diego picked out this outfit himself.. "Diego is a big boy, nino grande!)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

First pool

First time to the pool today and Lucia fell asleep in my arms while I walked her around and her brother played and screamed. This little girl sure is relaxed!

Two families and a road trip

We went to Arden this weekend, Lucia's first overnight, and took the Tangs with us.  Table for 8! Here is a video from our adventures. Lots of fun!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Stroller Envy

I admit it, I'm obsessed. I have spent hours, days even, looking at strollers. I look at them on kijiji, online, in stores, on the street. Today I cured, I hope, what has been a long standing case of stroller envy with this:

What motivated the final plunge? I got a cheque for $500 which I wasn't expecting so that's like free money. At least that's the most prominent justification, I have more if you're interested. With all the accessories (I got the car seat adapter and second seat) the bill was stupidly expensive, but still cheaper than a second car. Although not much. I know I've said it before - I think even on this blog although I couldn't find the post - (a free ride in a super stroller to any one who can find it) but I think I really am cured this time. Rafa is threatening therapy. So we are saying goodbye to our Quinny (it's for sale for $225 if anyone wants it...) and saying hello to Baby Jogger. From now on we're cruising with two!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Lucia - two months

We went yesterday for 8 week shots. Weight: 5.005 kg (11lb)  Head 40.5 cm and Height 58.5cm.
Here is a picture in a shirt, from the family in Miami. Thanks!!