You are two months old now... almost three but who's counting. You continue to be a very content little person. You have the most wonderful open mouthed smiles and are starting to share a fantastic little screech of excitement, particularly with your papa. You are desperate to be sitting up and moving around and are often found in your bouncy chair trying to sit up, quietly grunting and tilting your head. Take your time little girl, it will come.
You sleep in the afternoon which is a wonderful gift to me. You are growing at an amazing rate - having almost doubled your original birth weight. I think this is pretty normal but I still think it is amazing.
Your brother Diego loves to watch you play and smile. When you wake up from your nap he goes running up the stairs "Lucia, ya voy! Lucia, no llores!". When I suggest that we wake you up for dinner he is the first up the stairs. I have loved this 'little two' of yours, we have had such a good summer hanging out together.
Dear Diego;
You are now two and a half and the 'terrible twos' have not been so terrible at all. You went through a two week faze but you learned fast that the tantrums were a waste of time and since then we have barely seen the monster Diego. Keep up that learning curve little man, it will save you a lot of time and wasted energy in your life.
At two and a half you are talking up a storm. You have been speaking a lot of English "Come downstairs mom and eat your lunch." We have been encouraging you to speak in Spanish and often when I ask you to repeat something you will remind me that "Diego habla espanole y ingles, los dos." It is so much fun to watch you settle into bilingualism and your papa noticed the other day that your pronunciation in English is already better than his. Once day your Spanish will be better than mine. Will you learn more languages?
Along with your new words you have a great new understanding and awareness of the world around you. We have to be really careful what we talk about now in front of you because nothing escapes! We have been hanging out together all summer, with the daycare closed, and have been spending a lot of time in parks in the mornings. It is great watching you with other kids. You're fast little man! I've seen you keep up with the five and six year olds. You are almost more coordinated than your mama already. Papa says it is a good thing he had his knees operated or he wouldn't be able to keep up with your either. You are climbing like a monkey, Uncle Isaac is really excited about taking you climbing. Don't let him throw you over any cliffs till you're ready.
You are great at making friends. You use your sand shovels and bribes, running across playgrounds to hand them to other children with a "come on, dig, shovel, dig here" your lure them into your circle.
In just three weeks you will be going into the pre-school room at the daycare two days a week. This summer we have really seen you become a 'pre-schooler' - you are 'reading' books, drawing happy faces, coloring in the lines, playing make believe with other kids and, most exciting of all, this week you have even started sitting on the potty!
To both of you - thanks - it has been so much fun sharing the not so terrible twos.
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