Thursday, February 24, 2011

Up at 3:00 am

I can't even blame the toddler this time. A combination of altered sleep patterns, lots of things to think about at work (I just updated my OneNote To Do list and so am feeling a bit better on that front. I love OneNote - you should all check it out.) Everyone else is asleep. Two nights ago I slept for 8 hours straight. Wow! What a difference that makes in your day. I hope the e-mails that I just sent off for work (do you think anyone will notice that they were sent in the middle of the night? It's a little embarrassing) were more coherent than this post. I think they were. We'll find out tomorrow. Good night.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Happiness is...

Happiness is...
a pair of giant matching fleece pants.
 .. a new (second hand from kijiji) play table and a big pile of home made playdough.

A good start to the family day weekend. 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Play Dates

We have had a couple of really fun play dates lately. We continue to visit regularly with our neighbors and their daughter Elise. We will miss them when they move in May :(. I don't have any pictures of those visits as they are always so wonderfully impromptu. It's so nice to have a family near by that you can call and say "what are you doing right now, why don't you come over..."

Other play date news (and pictures) - my friend Melanie's babysitter bailed on her at the last minute and she had to work late so we had Landen for a sleep over. We figured it would be good practice. The good news is that it wasn't twice as much work. More work, yes, but not twice as much. Good news for our own growing family. It helps that Landen is the chillest kid you have ever met.

Yesterday we hosted Diego's friend from daycare, Noela, and her parents. This was a very wonderful but different visit. Noela is as much a 'fire cracker' as our Diego and it took him about a half an hour for him to get used to the idea of a strong woman in his play space, picking up his toys and very much wanting to be in charge. Once he settled in they had a wonderful time playing, and fighting. It was lots of fun to watch.