Monday, January 28, 2013

Diego is four

Dear Diego;

You are four. You are standing in front of me now - talking up a storm with your Papa. You don't want to speak any Spanish although you understand everything. It's pretty amazing watching you translate everything. "Papa - the boy who plays soccer with me..." Sera que un dia tu vas a jugar futbol? - Debes ir practicando el Espanole porque ahorita te vas a tocar....

You make friends with everyone you see - talking to everyone who we cross paths with. "My name is Diego, I am this many years old, that is my sister Lucia, I speak English and Spanish, do you want to see my tattoo?" You are the big boy now at the daycare - playing with the children from Kindergarden and watching out for your little sister.

The two of you are beginning to play together more. You are more independent. You are brushing your own teeth, learning to use the remote control, getting dressed to go outside alone. Still, requests of "can you feed me like a baby" and "I want you to rub my back" remind us, and you, that you are still our baby.

Diego you are brave and smart and fun - thanks again for picking us.


Saturday, January 05, 2013


So behind - so lets start with Christmas. We had a wonderful Christmas road trip which started with one night in Arden, our small family Christmas in Kingston, a Tang family Christmas in Markham, an Abbot family Christmas in Thornbury, an amazing visit with JanMarie and family in OwenSound, a chance to check out Jenn's new house in Duneden and then New Years in Toronto with the Fry-Standards. Wow! Are we blessed with so many wonderful friends. Thanks for sharing the holidays with us. Here is a short video from opening presents in Kingston.