Saturday, July 28, 2012

Summer Adventures

A summer adventure today to Big Sandy Beach. We got to the ferry just in time to get to Wolfe Island. Drove to the beach early enough to be the first to arrive and not pay. We had a great morning and just missed the ferry home - which messed up the naps and led to an "interesting" afternoon. Still, definitely worth it.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

First Rain

The first rain in 6 weeks! My neighbor Amanda had the brilliant idea of a puddle walk. Great fun was had by all, except a few older Portuguese women in the church parking lot who were a little horrified by the 'dirty' activity.

Thursday, July 05, 2012


A big picture update...

Hanging out at home.

Elise's birthday party.

Standing up!

Itsy Bitsy Spider.

Rafa's birthday.

Cuentos con Diego

Enjoying the backyard.

I'm here too. Hiding behind the camera mostly.

Sunday, July 01, 2012

One Year (and a bit)

Dear Lucia - you are one year old now. (OK - a month and a half ago, it's been busy!) Just before your birthday I went back to work, somewhat unexpectedly, and so you have had a busier month that we had originally planned.

You learned to be at the daycare. With very few tears or fussing (one unhappy day and a few sniffly mornings) you settled into your new routine. You have learned the circle time routine is just a few weeks and will now ask for "Itsy Bitsy" and then move right into "Two Hands Up". It's so fun to watch you enjoy music. You have even let me come and visit you at lunch, which was the best part of my day at work. I come in for 10 minutes or so at 11:00 and then go and let you each lunch. Like all things, you take these visits in stride. With only a little bit of whimpering when I go, near the end you would even wave and go off on your own to find Tracy so she would read you a story. You are so chill!

We also found out this month that you have an egg allergy. After throwing up egg twice, our family doctor recommended that we take you to an allergist. The skin test came back positive and so you are now the proud owner of an epi-pen. We have cut egg out of your diet completely and we are hoping that you will outgrow it. We are now exploring baking without eggs or gluten. It hasn't fazed you at all and you continue to eat anything I put in front of you.

You are more relaxed than your brother, but also more cautious. You have been standing and cruising for a while but have not taken the leap of faith to let go. We have caught a few hesitant steps - I think, mostly, when you forget that you can't walk. Yesterday you did take two steps for me to capture on camera. You're like me little one - I also like to be really sure I'll do well before venturing into new projects. I didn't learn to ride a bike till I was 10 and could teach myself. We can be cautious together while the boys run around and jump off of things.

Your communication has also taken a big leap. You are signing for 'milk' and 'more/again' and 'book' very clearly. With some prompting we have also seen: play, sleep, apple, and Cherrios. You are making lots of sounds and pointing to make requests but not too many words yet. Like the walking you are just waiting till you can do it well. I won't be surprised if you don't talk much at all until one day you come out with: "Mama, can you pass my cup please."

You have also learned to kiss (with sound and all) and are using it to win over the boys. Kisses are forthcoming and frequent for both Papa and Diego. You tried it on my one night as well to put off bedtime. It's hard to say "No more kisses Lucia - you have to sleep!" Speaking of bedtime, you are not nursing at night anymore and are mostly sleeping through most nights. This has been a great gift to your father and I. 

I'm off for the summer now (hence the time for this very late letter) and am so looking forward to the extra time with you and your brother. We plan to go to the park in the morning and then have a nap. Happy year and a bit little girl... and here's to lots more together.
