Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dear Diego;

You are three months old now, have been for a while actually and I'm just late about getting to this letter. Want to know why I am writing it today? Because you only woke up once last night! Thanks for that. Your mom and dad are feeling much more rested and relaxed. You have also learned to sleep your naps in your own bed, I am sitting beside your baby monitor right now. This has also been a blessing and a gift. These are only two of the wonderful gifts you have given us this month. Your wonderful smiles are now accompanied with a perfect little chuckle. You have learned to roll over onto your back (much to your own satisfaction as you hate being on your stomach during the day.) You are beginning to recognize and play with toys and other things in your surroundings. You have learned to use both your hands together and are using them to bring anything that comes within reach into your mouth. I promise that you will get your fair share of dirt, leaves, bits of plastic. Just don't swallow anything too big please. You are growing, it seems like every day. I am putting you in pajamas now that say 9 months...! I can hear you waking up now and so I am going to head upstairs. Happy birthmonth baby and thanks for all the smiles.


Friday, April 24, 2009

Life is like a Sandwich

The Bread:
Thursday Diego mastered what was once thought impossible and slept in his own crib DURING THE DAY! He managed two naps by himself (a.k.a. not carried or on my chest), one of 30 min and one of 50 min. During the longer of the two naps I finished a cloth diaper that I was sewing and did some long overdue personal grooming. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I actually had a need for the hither to unused baby monitor! Here's a picture to prove it.

The Middle Part:
This spectacularness was followed by a night of waking up every two hours, and one very cranky momma the next day. Cranky momma tried to put cranky baby down for a nap by himself so they could both nap, a miserable failure. It's like when the sequel is such a disappointment, made especially more disappointing because the first one was so good. Good thing my mom came to visit - distraction and help in the garden proved good therapy - for us both perhaps because...

The Bread Again:
Last night Mr. D. slept for a 5 hour chunk - he woke up rested and refreshed and allowed a repeat performance of two independent naps.

Who knew?

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Diego rolled over today - just one day before his third month birthday. He's so fun. The second part of the video is him in the swing, enthralled by Rafa's guitar playing. Today we are setting up our new backyard gazebo so that we can sit outside. An even better reason for everyone to come and visit.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Weekend Productivity

Thanks to help from Rafa for helping with the baby:

1. Twice to church
2. Several loads of laundry
3. 4 Patio chairs sanded and painted
4. Hole in deck patched (this was a big one! with skill saws and screws and everything)
5. Computer work updated.

Here's us working on the computer. Thanks for you help Big D.

Friday, April 03, 2009


Diego has been sleeping better at night and less during the day. I am pretty consistently getting at least one four hour sleep per night. This is good news. The bad news is that naps are short and he sleeps carried or not at all. Thank God for babies carriers.
In other news I'm working on designing my backyard. I sometimes feel like I should be doing something more productive with my time but then I remember that I am working all the time really... milk production. You have to rest to do that you know.