Monday, October 31, 2011


Happy Halloween - thanks to some returns I had to do at Old Navy and a real lucky find at the Salvation Army we had a really easy costume prep - and the price was right as well. I present to you - my two little monsters...

We had a successful trick or treat and then headed back to the house to pass out candy (Diego: Ya mama! Sharing! For sure!)

We also sorted our candy (can eat and definitely not for little kids). Lucia was very interested in the 'not for little kids' bag.

Diego is now upstairs, trying to go to sleep. Despite the fact that we cut him off after trying only a few magical treats (he took this surprisingly well) After every stop he would ask
"Otra casa Mama?"
"Si Diego, otra casa" (Yes, another house)

Why indeed a strange tradition perhaps. But there you go... you can't not participate - not when I think back and remember what it was to participate - go from house to house and see you bag fill higher and higher to the brim with sugary goodness. Here's to marketing!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Favorite Quotes

In response to the question: Where is your Papa?  "In the big boy classroom."
After an accident in the journey of potty training... "I can't dance, I have poo-poo."

General favorites:
"That could be fun!"
"Can I help with you."
"Pechiche papa!"
"Tengo, como, hambre"

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Good weather

Here are some pictures of us enjoying, what could be, the last really good day of the year. Not to be missed!