Dear Diego;
You are three months old now, have been for a while actually and I'm just late about getting to this letter. Want to know why I am writing it today? Because you only woke up once last night! Thanks for that. Your mom and dad are feeling much more rested and relaxed. You have also learned to sleep your naps in your own bed, I am sitting beside your baby monitor right now. This has also been a blessing and a gift. These are only two of the wonderful gifts you have given us this month. Your wonderful smiles are now accompanied with a perfect little chuckle. You have learned to roll over onto your back (much to your own satisfaction as you hate being on your stomach during the day.) You are beginning to recognize and play with toys and other things in your surroundings. You have learned to use both your hands together and are using them to bring anything that comes within reach into your mouth. I promise that you will get your fair share of dirt, leaves, bits of plastic. Just don't swallow anything too big please. You are growing, it seems like every day. I am putting you in pajamas now that say 9 months...! I can hear you waking up now and so I am going to head upstairs. Happy birthmonth baby and thanks for all the smiles.