A short list of recent land marks and successes.
1. A walk to a friends house for a real, out of the house visit! I was a little sore by the time I arrived. Luckily it took us a while to get organized and get there so by the time we were ready to leave Rafa could come and get us. A perfect first walking adventure - the kind you walk to and get picked up from. We had a nice visit with my friend Corky - who also just had a baby - and her two little girls.
2. A two hour morning nap! Gretel - we`ve discovered that if we get Diego sleeping in the sling we can shorten his `T minus put down time`significantly by just putting him down with the sling. So - he is officially living in it, basically 24 hours a day. Thank you!
3. I am wearing blue jeans today! They are not my pre-pregnancy skinny jeans, but some I bought to alter and then never bothered. Still - I am very proud of myself.
4. Diego is digging the fishy chair for short periods of time - which gives me time to make some food in the kitchen. (I had a shower today too, we are getting pretty good at making all this work, if I do say so myself.)
A SHOWER! You're not supposed to get to do that until at least week 4! Well done! So glad to hear that you've found the magic of the sling. Truly can work wonders for some babes.
First of all - Awwwww...Him is very cute. You is doing really great. Yippee!
Good work guys! Keep the sweet boy pictures coming!
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